Synod to provide resources for monthly emphases

Beginning in July, LCMS Communications plans to produce resources that relate to special monthly emphases.

The resources — to include litanies, hymn suggestions, bulletin inserts, Bible studies and brief promotional videos — will be available to districts, congregations and schools to use at any time during the month.

The LCMS Communications department was asked by the Office of the President to review the schedule of emphasis Sundays on the Synod calendar and work with the various ministries to create a more comprehensive and strategic approach in promoting the ministries to the church.

“We believe that by providing consistent and strategic messaging — using our Web, print, social media, radio, video and official publications to inform and inspire LCMS target audiences about LCMS ministries in our life together — individuals, congregations and districts will want to involve themselves, spread the word and invest in the work the LCMS does across the globe,” said Deaconess Pamela Nielsen, associate executive director of LCMS Communications. “Now LCMS congregations will have resources and support in promoting themselves locally along with our shared beliefs, mission and values.”

Accompanying the monthly emphases will be Reporter inserts and related stories in Reporter, Lutherans Engage the World and The Lutheran Witness; mentions and prayers via the Synod’s Facebook and Twitter accounts; information sheets and special Web pages; public service announcements on Worldwide; and donor appeals.

The new monthly emphases are:

July: Service — LCMS Volunteer and Service Opportunities.

August: Youth/Schools — LCMS Youth and Schools ministries.

September: Campus Ministry/Concordia University System — LCMS Campus Ministry, Concordia University System.

October: Church Workers — Soldiers of the Cross, Veterans of the Cross.

November: Stewardship — LCMS Stewardship Ministry.

December: LCMS Partners — LCMS districts, partner churches, corporate partners.

January 2015: Witness International — LCMS International Work.

February 2015: Witness National — LCMS National Work.

March 2015: Mercy — LCMS Mercy Ministries.

April 2015: “Free to Be Faithful” — LCMS Religious Freedom efforts.

May 2015: Seminary — LCMS Pastoral Education.

June 2015: Parish Education — National Mission Ministries.

Emails with links to the free resources will be sent monthly to districts, congregations and schools. The materials may be downloaded from related Web pages.

Posted June 10, 2014