Delegates to the LCMS Iowa District East (IDE) convention, June 26-27 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, elected the Rev. Dr. Brian S. Saunders of Cedar Rapids by acclamation to his third three-year term as district president.

This was the district’s 39th convention.
Also elected were:
- Rev. W. Max Mons, pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran Chapel and University Center, Iowa City, Iowa, newly elected as first vice-president. He has been the Cedar Rapids South circuit visitor since 2006.
- Rev. Dr. Matthew W. Rueger, pastor of St. John Lutheran Church, Hubbard, Iowa, second vice-president. Rueger previously (2002-15) was the district’s first vice-president.
Saunders and other elected officers were installed during the convention’s closing service.
Under the convention theme of “Witness, Mercy, Life Together — Mission: The Church in Mission,” based on Acts 8:1, delegates adopted resolutions to:
- ask the president of the Synod to convene a task force to review and evaluate the Synod’s dispute-resolution process.
- establish and support an IDE Missions Sunday each April.
- publicize and promote triennial circuit convocations.
- protect IDE representation in LCMS elections — pertaining to statistical requirements for electoral circuits, as addressed in LCMS Bylaw 3.1.2.
- re-examine and increase direct IDE financial support of the Synod.
- make geographical adjustments to the district’s Cedar Rapids South and Williamsburg circuits.
- make minor changes to the district bylaws concerning recommended changes from the Synod and reorganizing district committees.
Other convention highlights included:
- the convention essay presented by the Rev. Randall Golter, special assistant to the Synod president. Golter is leading the Synod’s celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation and its “Preach the Word” initiative. He spoke on the Church, life together in Christ and how the Church’s mission flows from local altars and congregations.
- the Synod president’s report, given by the Rev. Dr. John Wohlrabe, LCMS second vice-president, who served as LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison’s representative to the convention. Wohlrabe also answered questions from delegates.
- a presentation by the Rev. Daniel S. Johnson, catechist to Eurasia for the LCMS Office of International Mission, on his work in Siberia and other international mission efforts of the Synod.
This year, for the first time, IDE convention delegates were able to register online. They also experienced drastically reduced time for votes to be tallied, with the introduction of digital-voting keypads.
Posted July 1, 2015