The Rev. Dr. Steven D. Turner of Algona, Iowa, is the new president of the LCMS Iowa District West.

Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Algona since 1991 and the district’s first vice-president since 2009, Turner was elected on the first ballot by delegates to the district convention that met June 21-23 at Milford, Iowa.
He succeeds the Rev. Dr. Paul G. Sieveking, who served five terms as district president since 2000 and announced before this year’s convention that he was retiring from the position.
Also elected were:
- Rev. Roger Carlisle, pastor of Peace Lutheran Church, Wall Lake, Iowa, first vice-president, and former second vice-president.
- Rev. Paul Egger, pastor of St. John Lutheran Church, Galva, Iowa, newly elected as second vice-president.
Turner and the vice-presidents were installed as the convention concluded.
Under the theme “Joy in Salvation,” Iowa District West delegates adopted resolutions:
- receiving La Iglesia Evangelica Luterana Amigos en Cristo (Friends in Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church), Denison, Iowa, into membership as a new congregation of the district.
- under the Synod’s “Witness, Mercy, Life Together” emphasis, including one resolution that continues to affirm a mission-outpost attitude among members and congregations in the district; another that challenges congregations to make plans for specific, intentional acts of mercy each year; and yet another to support district-owned and -operated Camp Okoboji as it marks its 75th anniversary and pursues a $2.8-million capital campaign.
- focusing on witness/outreach/ministry to and with specific people groups such as Hispanics, the deaf, returning military personnel, the unchurched, children and those affected by natural disasters. Resources committed to these target areas include those that are both financial and programmatic, as well as people-equipped and -motivated — to bring the joy of salvation to others.
- designating Sieveking as “president emeritus” in honor of his 39 years of service to the district, including 15 as its president.
Posted June 24, 2015 / Updated July 13, 2015