Delegates to the 51st convention of the LCMS North Wisconsin District re-elected the Rev. Dwayne M. Lueck of Wausau, Wis., as district president. He will serve his second three-year term in that position.

Lueck ran unopposed and was re-elected unanimously on the first ballot.
The convention — June 7-8 in Rothschild, Wis. — met under the theme, “He’s By Our Side,” taken from the hymn “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” (Lutheran Service Book, 656).
“He’s by our side … with His good gifts and Spirit. God has given us the gifts to vigorously make known the love of Jesus Christ within our churches, communities and the world,” said Lueck. “What an exciting time to be the people of God.”
Also re-elected were:
- Rev. Dr. Timothy Roser, pastor of St. Paul and St. John Lutheran Churches, Junction City and Dancy, Wis., respectively, first vice-president.
- Rev. Steve Hulke, pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church in Marquette, Mich., second vice-president.
- Rev. William Plautz, pastor of Faith Lutheran Church, Chippewa Falls, Wis., third vice-president.
All officers were installed at the convention by LCMS Second Vice-President Rev. Dr. John Wohlrabe Jr.
Delegates adopted Resolution 15-06 in support of pro-life positions both at the beginning and end of life. The resolution was in response to certain Wisconsin Assembly representatives and senators who recently introduced a “Compassionate Choices” bill to legalize euthanasia in Wisconsin amid the current trend of “right-to-die” legislation in the nation.
The district’s adopted resolution encourages member congregations and individual members to speak out in favor of life and against the bill as well as any similar legislation that may be introduced in the future.
Posted June 15, 2015 / Updated June 16, 2015