
KFUO Audio: St. Mark’s Lutheran responds to winter 2015 floods in Eureka, Mo.

Comments (2)
  1. Debra Ball-Kilbourne says:

    Are the Lutherans working with United Methodist Committee on Relief as partners in this flood response?

    1. Debra, this is a great question. After a disaster, there are always many groups working to provide relief and care to the victims. Sometimes, much of the work takes place in conjunction with the local VOAD group (Volunteer Organizations After a Disaster). While we don’t officially partner with them (or the individual groups) at the national level, it is helpful at the local level to know what all the other groups are doing so we don’t use our limited resources to build duplicate structures. Often, this necessitates conversation, communication, and sometimes even a coordination of sorts. In the end, though, it’s still no partnership (of the Altar and Pulpit kind), just different groups who are all looking at the needs of the affected community and each filling some of those needs as they’re able. Please email if you have further questions.