
‘Now is the time’ for Gambia mission

Comments (2)
  1. Charles A. Brehmer says:

    As far as I know, Pastor Loum’s missionary presence continues a 41 year Lutheran connection in The Gambia. In 1976 as Director of Ministries for Lutheran Bible Translators I visited The Gambia. While there I met leaders in two active Christian Mission endeavors. At the time Gambia was not open to provide any new visas. A year later the leader of one of the Christian groups I had met tracked me down in Sierra Leone with the news that he had now obtained visas for the immediate entrance of a Bible Translator. The best I could offer was someone from LBT to begin working in The Gambia the next year. This did not fit the window of time for the granting of visas which were very rare for Christians at the time. With vividness I recall the prayer of the messenger. With our heads bowed from his mouth came, “Oh Lord Jesus forgive us for our weaknesses and failure to answer your call…” Yes, Pr. Loum, “Now is the time!”

  2. Charles A. Brehmer says:

    Thank you. Behind the beginning of my connection with The Gambia is a marvelous story of the conversion of a fervent Muslim family which triggered my exploratory visit. God used the faithful witness of a Lutheran lady at Boston College as the opening touch of Christian love to a foreign student.