
New lay missionaries prepare to deploy

One of the new missionaries will serve in Asia, and the others will serve in Latin America.

Obituary: Alice Brauer, former LCMS missionary to India

Brauer died in Vellore, India, on Sept. 30.

Missionaries end, begin service

Missionaries who have concluded their service were recognized on July 19, and missionaries who recently completed orientation were recognized on Aug. 2.

From the mission field: 50 years of ‘Chevanurch’

“Chevanurch,” a shortening of “China Evangelical Lutheran Church,” comprises about 70 people from 19 families who formerly served as missionaries to Taiwan.

BNM, BIM hold spring meetings

Both boards reviewed the proposed budgets and provided feedback for their respective mission units, the Office of National Mission and Office of International Mission.

‘More than just the building’: Restoring a church in Panama

Due to a series of catastrophic events, the sanctuary of Redeemer Lutheran Church in Balboa, Panama, had become unusable.

‘The righteous shall live by faith’: Planting a Lutheran church in Rome

As interest in Lutheran teaching has increased in Italy, the LCMS has sought to respond.

Saving souls: Christ’s work, not ours

If a year from now we discovered that all our supposed best practices were completely wrong, it would not change the number of God’s elect by a single one.

From the mission field: Music education in Taiwan

Updates about LCMS mission work around the world.

‘To the ends of the earth’: Pastors needed in Asia

The Rev. Dr. James A. Baneck, executive director of the LCMS Office of Pastoral Education, recently visited Singapore, Vietnam and Taiwan.

From the mission field: Seminary has new director

Updates about LCMS mission work around the world.

Bible camp curriculum shares Jesus abroad and at home

The curriculum, titled “Jesus Frees Us,” uses Old Testament stories to show how Jesus frees His people and how they can respond in love.

Mission boards meet in St. Louis

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Boards for National Mission and International Mission held their first meetings of the triennium in September.

Curriculum helps teach children about international mission

A new edition of Missions Unpacked for Kids, produced by The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s (LCMS) Short-Term Mission unit, is now available.

Day of Thanksgiving celebrates missionaries

The Aug. 18 event recognized alumni missionaries and sent first-time missionaries to the mission field. 

Synod celebrates missionaries entering, returning from field

The Day of Thanksgiving took place May 5 at the LCMS International Center in St. Louis.