Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, and Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind., are offering faculty-led summer workshops — open to pastors, church workers and laypeople — in various locations nationwide.
Upcoming Concordia Seminary workshops — June 12 through mid-August — range from the teachings of Martin Luther to pastoral tools on topics such as preaching, responding to conflict and teaching confirmation.
The cost of each three-day summer workshop is $140 (unless otherwise noted), which includes Continuing Education (CEU) credits. Workshops begin at 1 p.m. on Mondays and conclude at noon on Wednesdays.
Registration and payment should be made no later than 14 days prior to the beginning of each workshop, and workshops must have a minimum number of participants in order to be held.
To learn more about — and register for — the workshops, click here. Contact persons for each workshop are available to answer questions about directions, housing and meals. Download a brochure.
For general questions, contact the seminary’s Continuing Education office at 314-505-7286 or ce@csl.edu.
Upcoming Concordia Theological Seminary continuing-education workshops — June 12 through mid-September — cover a variety of topics, including “Christianity in Conflict,” “Liturgy: Yesterday, Today and Forever,” “Why Should I Believe You? Christian Apologetics for Today” and “World Views and Religions.”
Three-day workshops ($150 for church workers, $100 for retired pastors and laypeople) earn 1.5 CEUs, and five-day workshops ($225 for church workers, $150 for retired pastors and laypeople) earn 3 CEUs. Concordia Theological Seminary students and vicarage/fieldwork supervisors may attend for free.
For a list of workshops, visit ctsfw.edu/ce — click on each workshop for details and registration forms. There are no registration deadlines.
For more information, send an email to ce@ctsfw.edu or call Kara Mertz at 260-452-2103. Download a brochure.
Posted June 7, 2017