
LCEF recognizes those who ‘love boldly’

Comments (1)
  1. Gary Weber says:

    I read this story with guarded caution and interest, hoping to not be disappointed. I wasn’t (disappointed). I’ll admit that, sadly, given the context of the current times in which our church seeks to carry out Christ’s imperatives, I was fearful of reading of a ‘bold love’ initiative toward the LGBT community. This would have been stylish, but not productive. Affirmed: Our church has no less love for LGBT folks than for any other population. How could we when following the precepts of Christ? At the same time, Christ’s church can never sacrifice Right and Wrong on the altar of Political Expediency. We simply soldier on in Christ’s Love.
    The initiatives cited in the story are strong, timely and worthy of Thanks and Praise.
    God, forgive my sins of fear and mistrust, for Jesus’ sake.
    Gary Weber