The October 2018 “Share it!” question was:
How does your congregation or school observe Reformation Day?
Rev. Paul Mumme, pastor, Divine Shepherd Lutheran Church, Bolingbrook, Ill.:
“Though we are a small congregation, our Reformation Divine Service is one of the most beautiful of the year. The sanctuary is clothed in red. We hear the truth that sets us free, and we receive Jesus’ true body and blood. God’s people sing with fervor. Cantor, instrumentalist(s) and adult and children’s choirs all add their talents. Later that morning we gather in Luther Hall to feast on a delicious Oktoberfest. At the heart and center of it all is not Luther, but Jesus. Jesus for you and for me!”
Kara Lux Kress, member, Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church, Terre Haute, Ind.:
“We begin the week before Reformation with our community 5K Brat Trot, which includes a beer challenge for those who desire and are of age. Then following Divine Service on Reformation Sunday, we have our traditional German meal.
“The Brat Trot idea was tossed around for several years before becoming a reality. In the summer of 2016, it was decided that kicking this event off during the 500-year anniversary of the Reformation would be ideal.
“There are actually three races: a 1-mile, a Brat Trot 5K and a Brat Trot 5K Beer Challenge. The first two races are straightforward distance races.
“The Beer Challenge 5K requires running the one-mile course three times. After each mile, participants must consume four ounces of beer, for a total of 12 by the completion of the race. One of our sponsors and church neighbors, Terre Haute Brewing Co., provides a house brew for the beer challenge.
“The course loop runs through Farrington Grove, the historic neighborhood behind the church. Finishers of all three races receive a brat, and those over 21 have the option of a post-race beer.
“Money raised beyond expenses is used to help those in need locally and for neighborhood cleanup and beautification.
“While this is only our second annual event, we’ve received such positive feedback that we will be continuing it for years to come. From all indications, this year’s race will be bigger than last year.”
Our next “Share it!” question is:
What does your church or school do to observe the season of Advent? Send your response to reporter@lcms.org or look for this question on the LCMS Facebook, Twitter or Instagram page and share your answer there. We’ll include as many responses as we can in the December issue of Reporter.
Posted Oct. 23, 2018