This summer, take a road trip across the United States with Lutherans Engage the World magazine.
The Summer 2019 issue begins in Ferndale, Calif., with the westernmost LCMS congregation in the lower 48 states, and continues with visits to churches in Texas and Kansas, where members are boldly meeting challenges and opportunities in their communities.
Finally, this issue travels to Athens, Ga., for a glimpse of how a campus ministry is working with area congregations to help keep young people connected to Christ as they transition to college.
The issue also looks a bit further afield to the Czech Republic and Taiwan, where new resources are being developed to share the Gospel and build up the Body of Christ.
Read the stories above at engage.lcms.org to see what your prayers and gifts are accomplishing far and wide, and visit engage.lcms.org/subscribe to learn how to have the magazine delivered directly to your door. Individual and bulk subscriptions (for congregations only) are available at no charge.
Posted July 16, 2019