CPH offers free resources amid COVID-19 shutdown


By Stacey Egger

As the COVID-19 pandemic keeps many Lutherans in their homes and away from church, Concordia Publishing House (CPH) has been offering a multitude of resources free of charge for churches, families and individuals.  

“Concordia Publishing House regards it as a great privilege and honor to provide helpful tools and resources for free during this difficult time and will continue to do so,” said the Rev. Paul McCain, CPH publisher and executive director of Editorial. “We realized very quickly that congregations would be moving heavily into reaching their members in their homes via the Internet, and we thank God for the technology available to allow our pastors, teachers and other church workers to keep in touch and reach out with the precious Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

Among CPH’s free resources to aid congregations during this time are:

Among CPH’s free resources for families and individuals are:

These and many other resources will be available, free of charge, until sheltering in place has ended, with more free resources added weekly. Visit cph.org to browse free resources for worship, study and home.

Posted April 27, 2020