Information about SBA/PPP loans for the church

Statements & Letters

LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison talks with James Sanft, president and chief executive officer of Concordia Plan Services about the Small Business Administration loans, especially the Payroll Protection Program, that can benefit LCMS congregations, schools and other agencies. For more information, visit the Concordia Plan Services website.

As the coronavirus continues to affect our world, congregations of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, church workers, LCMS Recognized Service Organizations and other agencies face financial concerns.

The Lutheran Church Extension Fund and Concordia Plan Services are working to provide information regarding the available avenues for financial assistance. This information includes updates on government programs (including the CARES Act) and what is available from LCMS sources.

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CARES Act information

Coronavirus resources

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, Concordia Plan Services, Lutheran Church Extension Fund, Concordia Publishing House, LCMS Foundation and other LCMS entities have compiled resources to assist congregations, schools, church workers and members during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
