Spring/Summer ‘Engage’: ‘Whenever and wherever’

“The Lord did not suspend His missionary endeavors because a pandemic had broken out,” said the Rev. Dr. John Bombaro, missionary to Latvia. And The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) has not, either.

The combined Spring/Summer 2021 issue of Lutherans Engage the World — available in early June— gives just a few examples of how Lutherans continue to love and serve their neighbors in new and nimble ways.

In Del Rio, Texas, an LCMS pastor has gone to members of his flock who live across the U.S.-Mexico border after the pandemic disrupted their ability to come to church. In Fort Wayne, Ind., a new LCMS Recognized Service Organization provides for physical needs in the community while sharing the Gospel. In Riga, Latvia, the seminary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia is partnering with two LCMS missionaries to pioneer an online, English-language seminary program that’s making high-quality theological education available to students in places like Italy, Romania and Pakistan.

Read these stories and more online at engage.lcms.org. To be notified by email when new issues are available, sign up at engage.lcms.org/subscribe.

Posted June 10, 2021