Convention adopts three wide-ranging omnibus resolutions

Delegates to the 68th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod laugh during convention business on July 30 in Milwaukee. (LCMS/Frank Kohn)
Delegates to the 68th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod laugh during convention business on July 30 in Milwaukee. (LCMS/Frank Kohn)

By Cheryl Magness

MILWAUKEE — The 68th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), meeting in Milwaukee this week under the theme “We Preach Christ Crucified,” has abundant opportunities for worship, study and prayer. One thing that is not abundant is time.

An “omnibus” resolution is one way to address the lack of time by rolling multiple overtures into one resolution to be considered as a group. On July 30, the convention adopted three omnibus resolutions that quickly dispatched some 60 overtures. Because of technical difficulties with the convention’s electronic voting system, all three were adopted by voice vote.

Omnibus A

LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison introduced Omnibus A, which states that “certain overtures … for which the responsibility has been previously delegated” be referred back to “the appropriate board, office, individual, or commission.” A full list of the overtures included in Omnibus A is available on Pages 295–96 of Today’s Business, Issue 2B.

Adoption of Omnibus A was moved and seconded. In a series of ensuing discussions and actions, delegates were presented with amendments proposing the removal of several overtures from the resolution and the return of those overtures to their original floor committees for further consideration. All of the amendments failed except one: Ov. 2-05, “To Thank God for the Synod’s International Schools and Pray for God’s Guidance in Furthering Their Role in the Church’s Mission.”

The removal of Ov. 2-05 effectively sends the overture back to Floor Committee 2 (International Witness) to be considered on its own merits, apart from Omnibus A.

Omnibus B

Harrison introduced Omnibus B, which states that the included overtures have previously been addressed by the convention and that “there appears to be insufficient rationale to change or alter the stated position of the Synod.” The resolution was moved and seconded. Amendments proposing the removal of Overtures 5-40, “To Reconsider Woman Suffrage in the Church,” and L4-19, “To Give Priority to Kingdom Work over Institutional Preservation,” failed, and Omnibus B was adopted as presented.

The full resolution is available on Pages 297–98 of Today’s Business, Issue 2B.

The original text of Ov. 5-40 is available on Page 312 of the Convention Workbook. The original text of Ov. L4-19, a late overture, is available on Page 291 of Today’s Business, Issue 2B.

Omnibus C

Harrison introduced Omnibus C, which calls for receiving “as expressions of encouragement or gratitude” certain overtures that request recognition “of noteworthy labors of love.” The full resolution is available on Page 82 of Today’s Business, Issue 1. The resolution was moved and seconded.

The Rev. James A.O. Preus, voting ordained delegate from LCMS Iowa District East, proposed an amendment removing Ov. 6-45, “To Declare/Encourage Recognition of the Pastor’s Wife and Honor Her in 2025.”

Preus spoke to his proposed amendment, observing that 2025 will be the 500th anniversary of the marriage of Martin Luther to Katharina von Bora. Preus said, “All of us pastors who are married are thankful for that example [of the marriage of Martin and Katie Luther]. … Our wives put up with a lot and suffer much for the kingdom. … We as a Synod should honor them, or at least vote on honoring them.”

Harrison presented the amendment for a vote, saying, “Those in favor, say ‘aye.’ Those opposed, dare to say ‘aye,’” as the convention floor laughed. Harrison said, “I guess we better do that again.” The lighthearted moment continued as Harrison directed all the wives in the room to look away during the voting.

Harrison again presented the amendment for a vote. There was no audible opposition, engendering a hearty laugh from Harrison. Ov. 6-45 was removed from Omnibus C and returned to Floor Committee 6 (Pastoral Ministry and Seminaries) for further consideration, and Omnibus C was adopted, as amended, by voice vote.

Posted July 31, 2023

2023 LCMS Convention

Under the theme “We Preach Christ Crucified,” the 68th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod met July 28–Aug. 3, 2023, at the Baird Center in Milwaukee.

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