“The workers [in Nagercoil, India,] wept as they held in their hands the story of how their great-great-great-grandfathers were brought into the faith through the waters of Baptism. It was the story of how their whole family had been saved.”
The Spring 2023 issue of Lutherans Engage the World gives a glimpse of how the Word of God is at work around the world, including in India, where Concordia Historical Institute is helping Lutherans preserve priceless historical documents going back to the first LCMS missionary to the country. As Indian Lutherans remember and celebrate the history of their church, so, too, can the entire church find encouragement in their stories.
In addition, read about Lutherans who are showing the love and mercy of Christ to those impacted by a tornado that hit Selma, Ala.; pro-life ministries that are serving families in Sealy, Texas, and Clinton, Mo.; and a ministry that is reaching out to the Winnebago Tribe in rural Nebraska. The issue also includes information about the five Lutheran church bodies — in Ukraine, Finland, Sudan and South Sudan, Uganda, and Sri Lanka — that delegates will be asked to recognize or endorse fellowship with at the Synod convention this summer.
The magazine began arriving in mailboxes in early April. This issue can also be read online at engage.lcms.org. If you aren’t currently receiving the magazine but would like to, visit engage.lcms.org/subscribe to sign up for a free subscription. Both individual and bulk subscriptions (for congregations) are available.
Posted April 13, 2023