Synod responds to CTX action to self-govern

On Nov. 8, 2022, the Board of Regents (BOR) of Concordia University Texas (CTX), Austin, Texas, voted to designate itself the university’s “sole governing body.”

On April 4 of this year, it confirmed that plan.

On April 18, the LCMS Board of Directors (BOD) and the LCMS Office of the President released a response that expresses deep disappointment at the CTX action, explains that the BOD and Synod president are addressing the matter within their offices, and asks for “continued prayers for our Synod; our Synod President; the BOD; the CUS [Concordia University System]; the CTX BOR; and CTX’s leaders, administrators, faculty, and students.”

The statement concludes: “We pray that our risen Lord will also in this matter bring good from ill, both for the Synod and for CTX. May the Lord have mercy on us all.”

Read the full statement.

Posted April 18, 2023