Office of the President

Lutherans meet in D.C. to discuss church and state

The event was sponsored by the LCMS Office of the President and Lutheran Church Extension Fund.

Synod pledges support for confessional Lutherans in Australia

Faithful Lutherans in Australia signed a “Letter of Confession” holding to Holy Scripture and rejecting women’s ordination.

Galchutt and Frese installed in St. Louis

The Rev. Daniel M. Galchutt serves as executive director of the LCMS Office of National Mission, and the Rev. Michael N. Frese serves as deputy director of LCMS Church Relations—Office of the President.

COP supports statement on CTX from Harrison, BOD

The Synod’s statement on CTX’s action to self-govern was released on April 18.

Synod responds to CTX action to self-govern

On Nov. 8, the Board of Regents of Concordia University Texas, Austin, Texas, voted to designate itself the university’s “sole governing body.”

Harrison signs joint letter to U.S. Secretary of Education

LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison joined with other religious leaders in asking the U.S. Secretary of Education to preserve protections for faith-based student organizations on public college campuses.

Synod provides facts and counsel on COVID-19 vaccines

On Jan. 21, LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison sent an email to all workers on the Synod roster addressing questions and concerns about the COVID-19 vaccines.

BOD covers much ground in wide-ranging meeting

The Synod’s Board of Directors met via Zoom on Nov. 19.

Synod recognizes fellowship with third church body in South Africa

The Synod in convention recognized fellowship with a South African church body, commended a report on cremation, and requested further study on “the relationship between unity in doctrine and uniformity and variety in practice.”

Synod adopts larger slate of candidates for future presidential elections

Convention delegates opted to increase the slate of candidates for presidential elections from three to five and adjust bylaws to provide for a timely election process.

Give thanks in all circumstances — through the risen Christ

Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod: “I thank God for you, for your partnership in the Gospel, your confession of our Lutheran doctrine, your prayers for the Synod and even your prayers for this sinner. I thank God for your ministry. I thank God for every congregation in your district.”

Message to the Church about demographic challenges we face

A portion of this “white paper” takes up the demographic challenge of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. I pray, that as we face challenges with the Word of God, we will continue to grow together in unity.

‘Joy:fully Lutheran’ – Rejoice. Pray. Give thanks. Christ has done it.

Even as our world changes, the Word of God remains the same. The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod proclaims this truth here and throughout the world in mission work, disaster response, universities, seminaries and especially in our congregations.

Welcome to Earth, O noble Guest!

Merry Christmas to you and yours from The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod. May Christ dwell in you richly this season.

A statement from President Harrison on the death of Justice Scalia

We have received the news of the death of Justice Scalia with deep shock. On the moral issues, on which The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod has taken a public stand (life, marriage and religious freedom), we and all creedal and biblically oriented Christians had no more stalwart friend on the Supreme Court than Justice Scalia.

KFUO: Golter leading 2017 Reformation celebration

Listen to a Dec. 9 interview with KFUO’s Andy Bates and the Rev. Randy Golter, who leads The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in planning the 2017 Reformation 500th anniversary celebration.