lcms bylaws

Concordia University System regents gather for training

The training was mandated by the Synod in convention.

Two resolutions on Structure and Administration pass, one fails

Delegates amend two Synod Bylaws and reject a resolution to form a task force to study moving to a four-year convention cycle.

Synod responds to CTX action to self-govern

On Nov. 8, the Board of Regents of Concordia University Texas, Austin, Texas, voted to designate itself the university’s “sole governing body.”

Mission boards seek to connect with districts on Synod priorities

This past fall and winter, teams composed of one member each from the Boards for National and International Mission met in person or via Zoom with every district of the Synod.

Synod adopts larger slate of candidates for future presidential elections

Convention delegates opted to increase the slate of candidates for presidential elections from three to five and adjust bylaws to provide for a timely election process.

LCMS presidential voter registration proceeds under new bylaws

Receipt of presidential election voter registration forms began on Oct. 25 and will continue until March 24, 2019.

Nominations begin under 2016 bylaw changes

Convention delegates in 2016 adopted resolutions regarding district convention attendance and geographical region requirements for board members.

FAQs address bylaw changes on ecclesiastical supervision

The changes were mandated by Resolution 12–14, adopted by the 2016 LCMS convention and endorsed in May by the Synod’s Board of Directors.

2016 LCMS ‘Handbook’ available online

The updated “Handbook” includes the Constitution and Bylaws of the Synod and features a revised and expanded index and a first-time separate red-lined edition.

Official Notice: constitutional amendment approval (September 2016)

Here’s the process for ratifying an amendment to the LCMS Constitution.