A year of church worker appreciation

(Unsplash/Daniel Andrade)

October is the Synod’s designated month for showing appreciation, in an intentional and unified way, to those who serve us through their faithfulness, dedication and skill. These dear workers bless us in a multitude of ways as they preach, teach and care for God’s people in body and soul.

This year, in thanksgiving for these gifts of God, we have planned a year’s worth of observances to align with other organizations in highlighting the many different kinds of workers who serve in the LCMS and to give thanks for all of them and the indispensable and sacrificial work that they do. 

Starting next month, watch for the following opportunities to recognize and celebrate the special church workers in your life. We hope you’ll join with your brothers and sisters in Christ throughout the LCMS as we pause to thank our church workers for all they do and, even more, to thank our Lord for giving us these dear servants who keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, “the founder and perfecter of our faith” (Heb. 12:2).

Oct. 13 Pastor Appreciation

Oct. 25 Deaconess, Director of Family Life Ministry, Director of Christian Outreach and Director of Church Ministries Appreciation

April 28 Director of Parish Music Appreciation

May 5–9 Teacher Appreciation 

June 26 Director of Christian Education Appreciation

Discover ways to show appreciation to the church workers in your life.

Posted Sept. 25, 2024