A handful of church workers building a church body in Cambodia. A missionary pastor reaching out to Mormon country. A refugee who was ordained as the first Lutheran pastor from his community.
This issue of Lutherans Engage the World highlights a few of the ways that God is calling and equipping His people to serve in unique contexts — both in the United States and around the world. The issue also includes articles about the ongoing disaster response on the island of Maui, Hawaii, following a devastating fire in August; the rollout of the new Spanish-language hymnal, Himnario Luterano; and Mission Central in Mapleton, Iowa, which has become a hub for telling the church about the work of the Synod’s international missionaries.
Thanks be to God for faithful Lutherans around the world, such as Cambodian Pastor Bun (Peter) Phanna, who reminds us that “with Luther’s Small Catechism, with the Augsburg Confession, … there is clear teaching. There is no doubt.”
Read online at engage.lcms.org.
Posted Jan. 12, 2024