Roy Askins
76 Articles1 Comments

Director of Editorial and Executive Editor of The Lutheran Witness

KFUO Radio celebrates 100 years of sharing the Gospel

Around 200 people gathered in St. Louis on Oct. 12 to mark the anniversary.

International Church Relations Conference: Planting a flower in the gate of hell

The group gathered Oct. 21–25 in Wittenberg, Germany.

Summit considers blessings, challenges of smaller congregations

The summit is one outcome of 2023 Resolution 1–02A, which calls for aiding small congregations and multi-congregation pastors and parishes.

June/July ‘Witness’: The Book of Acts

This issue of LW contains an overview of the first Christian community and how its members interacted together as the Body of Christ.

Placements, pastoral formation headline COP meeting

The COP met in both St. Louis and Fort Wayne to facilitate participation in the call and placement services at the two LCMS seminaries.

Translation leaders gather for National Offering ‘summit’

The National Offering will support the ongoing translation of solid Lutheran resources into languages other than English.

May ‘Witness’: A praying community

The church prays in accord with God’s Word.

Starting the conversation: April ‘Lutheran Witness’

The April issue of The Lutheran Witness takes up the topic of chaste community.

Buoyed by hope: March ‘Lutheran Witness’

The March issue is about the hope we have in Christ.

‘The righteous shall live by faith’: Planting a Lutheran church in Rome

As interest in Lutheran teaching has increased in Italy, the LCMS has sought to respond.

Sanctified by the Word: COP, BOD hold separate, combined meetings

At the joint session, each group shared updates and answered questions from the other group that will set the stage for further cooperation.

January ‘Witness’: God giving to us

The January issue of The Lutheran Witness walks readers through the worship service of the Lutheran church.

December ‘Witness’: The gift of children

The December issue of The Lutheran Witness considers how children bless us and how we might bless them.

November ‘Witness’: What is truth?

Truth is found in the Son of God, who came to be truth in the flesh for us.

October ‘LW’: Difficult teachings of the Bible

The October issue of The Lutheran Witness takes up difficult teachings of the Bible.

September ‘LW’ digs in to archaeology and apologetics

The issue explores both the promise and limits of archaeology in the apologetic task.