“Safari Adventure: Discover Jesus the King,” a new vacation Bible school program for 2005, is available now from Concordia Publishing House.
In the new program, students go on a “safari” and make discoveries about Jesus the King. Along the way, they make some animal friends who reinforce Bible teachings like these:
- “Stretch” the giraffe looks up to find food, just as the Wise Men looked up to the star to find Jesus.
- Elephants, like “Ellie,” follow each other, like the disciples followed Jesus.
- “Stripe” the zebra is special because of his stripes; we are special because Jesus died and rose for us
The program is available in two kits:
- The “starter kit” ($64.99, item no. 32-0530) is designed for same-age classes.
- The “site-rotation kit” ($64.99, item no. 32-0543) is a starter kit for VBS formats that allow same-age or mixed-age students to move from activity to activity.
Each kit includes a director guide; director resource pack with promotional and certificate samples; a “Roarin’ Rhythms” two-CD set of music; a preview video; souvenir, game, and craft samples; teacher guides; student books; a mission leader guide; and other “tools” for VBS classes.
For more information or to order, contact CPH at (800) 325-3040 or online at www.cph.org. Shipping charges are extra.
Posted Jan. 28, 2005