Concordia Publishing House has released new and updated resources for congregations and professional church workers:
- Deacons and Deaconesses Through the Centuries, by Jeannine E. Olson, originally published by CPH in 1992 as One Ministry, Many Roles: Deacons and Deaconesses through the Centuries, has been revised and updated. The 536-page hardback looks at the various functions of deacons and deaconesses — teaching, preaching, liturgy, and social welfare — from the Bible and early church to today’s contemporary world.
The book offers information on history and current practice for various denominations, as well as insights into contemporary trends and what lies ahead for the modern diaconate. It is available from CPH for $35.99 (item no. 12-4138).
- How to Minister to Older Adults, a manual by Dr. Charles T. Knippel, is designed to help congregations meet the needs of adults age 65 and older — this country’s fastest-growing demographic group. The 176-page paperback explores the special needs of older adults, as well as their special abilities — often, they have the time and experience to serve the church in areas such as hospitality, stewardship, and evangelism. The manual is available for $12.99 (item no. 12-4116).
- Color prints from paintings by CPH artists Richard Hook and Donald Kueker depicting Jesus and His ministries are no
w available for $19.95 each. Prints are 16-by-20 inches and are unframed. Prints by Hook include “The Good Shepherd” (item no. 88-5402), “Head of Christ” (item no. 88-5400), “Let the Children Come to Me” (item no. 88-5405), and “Thy Will Be Done” (item no. 88-5404). Available from Kueker’s work are “He Took the Children in His Arms” (item no. 88-5403) and “The Master Fisherman” (item no. 88-5401).
Prints may be viewed on the CPH Web site (enter the word “art” into the “Search” box, then click on “Ready-to-Frame Art”).
To order any of the above resources, call CPH at (800) 325-3040 or visit the CPH Web site. Prices quoted above do not include shipping charges.
Posted Dec. 21, 2005