With a 96.6 percent “yes” vote, delegates to the 2007 Synod convention adopted a resolution (6-02) supporting adult stem-cell research that does not involve destruction of human life.
Nothing that stem cells have the potential of helping treat diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, stroke, and Parkinson’s, the resolution states opposition to embryonic stem-cell research, which does destroy human life and has not yet shown success in treating diseases in humans.
The adopted resolution further urges LCMS members to give public witness against destruction of human life through embryonic stem-cell research and to “speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.”
Delegates also adopted a resolution (6-03) calling on LCMS World Relief and Human Care to conduct ongoing conversations with LCMS Recognized Service Organizations that place adopted or foster children, so that they do not “knowingly place [them] into any intrinsically sinful situations where individuals and families are not living in accordance with the Lord’s revealed and natural law.”
Two “whereases” of the resolution quote previous Synod resolutions, stating that:
- “ … the Bible does teach that sexual relations outside of marriage, including homosexual practice, are intrinsically sinful” (see 1973 Res. 2-04).
- “The God-given union of husband and wife in marriage ‘is the only proper context for human procreation’ (1993 Res. 3-14) and therefore the divinely intended context for raising children.”
And, by adopting Res. 6-06, delegates directed the Board for Human Care Ministries (as the Board for World Relief and Human Care also is known) to provide trained individuals and materials on domestic violence, child abuse, and clergy sexual misconduct to help districts, congregations, and schools address abuse and minister to those struggling with the effects of abuse.
That resolution also asks the Synod to make these resources available to seminary students and professional church workers.
Posted Aug. 3, 2007