A number of new books for children are now available from Concordia Publishing House in St. Louis, just in time for Christmas:
- The Real Story of Creation ($16.99, item no. 56-2407), by Paul L. Maier, teaches children ages 4 and older the biblical view of creation. Linking t
he Old and New Testaments, the book explains the introduction of sin and how God saved mankind through the work of His Son.
- Where Do Angels Sleep? ($14.99, item no. 56-2417), by Cynda Strong, for ages 4 and older, uses child-like questions to help children find comfort knowing that God’s angels never sleep, but serve God at all times, watching and guarding.
- The Visit of the Wise Men ($14.99, item no. 56-2427), by Martha Jander, uses rhyme to teach children ages 5 and older about the Magi and the importance of the places, people, timing, and circumstances of Jesus’ birth.
- What Happened to Merry Christmas? ($14.99, item no. 56-2426), by Robert C. Baker, teaches children ages 5 and older the real meaning of Christmas and the celebration that surrounds it.
- Sing Glory, Glory! Jesus Is Born! ($6.99, item no. 56-2420), by Gail Pawlitz, uses rhyme and colorful illustrations to help parents introduce the Christmas story to children ages 18 months and older.
For more information or to order any of the above books, contact CPH at (800) 325-3040 or www.cph.org. Prices quoted do not include shipping charges.
Posted Nov. 12, 2007