By Katie Schuermann
ST. LOUIS (July 25, 2013) — Committee 7 on Structure and Ecclesiastical Matters brought three resolutions before the convention this morning, two of which passed with more than 93 percent of delegates voting yes.

Resolution 7-12A irons out dispute-resolution processes and dispute cases with multiple complainants or respondents. It passed with a 93.9 percent majority vote.
Resolution 7-04A updates general principles for judging the viability of districts. Each district will be “expected to evaluate itself through its officers, board of directors and congregations” during the next triennium. It passed with a 93.1 percent majority vote.
Resolution 7-07A drew a crowd of at least 30 delegates to the queues. “This is bad,” said the Rev. David Otten, pastoral delegate from the South Dakota District. The resolution, proposing to change the process for electing delegates to the Synod convention, failed with a 93.1 percent majority vote.
Resolution 7-10, the proposal for a four-year convention cycle that had been referred back to the committee on Tuesday for further consultation with the Commission on Constitutional Matters on specific wording, was never brought back to the floor.
The 65th Regular Convention of the LCMS met July 20-25 at the America’s Center Convention Complex under the theme “Baptized for This Moment.” Among convention participants were some 1,200 clergy and lay voting delegates.