Movie Reviews

Movie review: ‘Exodus: Gods and Kings’

Comments (8)
  1. Brandon Mascarenas says:

    Thank you for your Exodus review, it had some helpful insights, much appreciated. Would love your thoughts on this exposé of the film:


  2. Ted, you hit yet another movie review out of the park. I was incredibly disappointed in this movie. I did not in any expect Hollywood to “get it right” but was shocked at just how incredibly wrong they got the account of Moses.

    Peter Jackson labored for years doing his very best to be faithful to Tolkien’s text and vision in LORD OF THE RINGS….you’d think Scott would have least got the basic facts correct.

    Instead what we have in this movie is a Moses who is a delusional terrorist and a “God” who is portrayed as having an eight year old psychotic child as his mouthpiece.

  3. Jan Ellison says:

    Pastor Giese, thanks for the review and critique. I was planning to see the movie, but I’m glad you shared your perspectives, which give me some ideas on how to think about and talk to others about the movie. Ridley Scott’s brother recently committed suicide–what impact do you think that had on the filmmaker’s faith journey? As one of the disturbing departures from the biblical account, Scott has said that because of “name recognition” there are no notable actors of comparable ethnicity to the geographical context of this movie’s theme (e.g. Zipporah, Egyptians). Since Hollywood has noticed that Christians pay to see movies with biblical themes, how are we to reconcile our biblical account with this blatant subjection to secular marketing? Blessed Advent!

  4. Jim says:

    The Ten Commandments Has 15 in the movie that are not found in the Bible

    According to the commentary on the 2004 DVD release of the film, the movie’s script was enhanced by non-biblical sources, such as: Josephus, the Sepher-ha-Yashar, the Chronicle of Moses and the Quran. Also, some parts in the script are mere inventions.

  5. Jim says:

    If you’re expecting a scene-by-scene visual rendering of the biblical account of Exodus, remember that the studio is a Hollywood entertainment company, not a religious broadcaster.

  6. Shawn says:

    Me and my wife went to see this movie on Christmas and we were disappointed. If you make a movie called Exodus then it should be documented to what is in the Bible in Exodus. The Bible states that you shouldn’t take away from the word and this movie did by Christian Bale using a sword instead of a staff to part the sea to the Israelites walking through a low tide sea instead of dry land.

  7. Oliver says:

    I thought the film’s boy was God, because when Moses asked him who he is in the dream/vision, the boy said “I AM”

  8. Bre says:

    I would agree with everyone’s opinion of this movie. However, one thing I want to point out is that there seems to be an underline meaning in a certain part of the movie. When you read the book of Exodus, you see many times where Moses asks God a question and he immediately receives an answer. However, in the movie, we see that God does not directly answer Moses when he has to decide which direction to go, nor does he directly answer Moses when Moses is at the Red Sea. I think this part of the film is to show what it’s like today. When we are faced with an issue, we constantly ask God to show us the way. Of course, we are not always directly answered, but we just keep pushing forward day by day trusting God, and eventually we reach where God wants us to be. I think this is what the writer is trying to portray in this section of the film.