The Rev. Mark Miller of Springfield, Ill., was elected on the first ballot to his third term as president of the LCMS Central Illinois District at the district’s 59th convention, July 8–11 in Springfield.

Also elected were:
- Rev. Rick Milas, pastor of University Lutheran Church & Student Center, Champaign, Ill., first vice-president; and
- Rev. Mark Eddy, pastor of Zion Lutheran Church, Taylor Ridge, Ill., second vice-president.
The officers were installed at the convention.
Meeting under the theme “Nothing Except Christ and Him Crucified” from 1 Cor. 2:2, delegates adopted resolutions to:
- confess and reaffirm six-day Creation and the official position of the LCMS.
- engage a Circuit Witness and Outreach Worker (C-WOW) in each of the circuits of the Central Illinois District.
- recognize the contributions of Concordia College Alabama, Selma, Ala.
Posted July 13, 2018