In September 2017 LCMS Witness & Outreach Ministry, in conjunction with Concordia Publishing House, announced the release of the core module kit of the Every One His Witness™ (E1HW) program, a new evangelism resource aimed at helping Lutherans share the Gospel with those whom God has placed in their everyday lives.
Now the second part of the program, the E1HW website, is also available.
At the heart of E1HW is the LASSIE (Listen, Ask, Seek, Share, Invite and Encourage) approach to witnessing. The core module kit consists of study materials that present the LASSIE approach and a Lutheran foundation for witnessing. The E1HW website contains videos that apply the LASSIE approach to specific witnessing contexts.
Currently available on the E1HW website are modules on witnessing to Jewish people, Muslims and Mormons. Coming soon are modules on sharing the Gospel with those in disaster situations, those who have drifted away from the Church, and those who are caught up in Scientism.
In all, there are approximately 40 context modules planned in six categories:
- World Religions (Baha’i, Buddhism),
- Religious Organizations and Movements (Scientology, the Occult),
- De-churched (Burned Out, Bad Experience),
- Un-churched (Agnostic, Atheist),
- Life Events (Divorce, Death in Family, Unemployed), and
- Mercy Work (Crisis, Substance Abuse).
Individuals who complete the core module of the E1HW program will receive an invitation to register for the website. Because the core module is essential to understanding the program and all its parts, only those who complete the core module will receive an invitation to the E1HW website.
Context modules on the website consist of video training, resources for further study and a discussion forum where users can ask questions and encourage one another in the work of witnessing. The E1HW website is maintained by LCMS Witness & Outreach Ministry and is free of charge to users.
Deaconess Maryann Hayter, manager of Resource Production for Witness, Outreach and Revitalization, has been involved in E1HW from its inception. As the program nears completion, with both parts now available, she expresses the hope that its impact will extend for years to come:
“The E1HW resources are unlike anything we’ve had before! Through the E1HW website our Synod will engage in an ongoing conversation to equip and encourage every one of us to witness in our everyday lives. With new resources added regularly, this tool will keep the conversation fresh and at the forefront of our minds as users across the Synod focus on the joy of joining God in His mission to seek and to save the lost.”

Posted Jan. 19, 2018