The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) Global Mission Fund supports LCMS witness and mercy work in the United States and other countries wherever the opportunities are greatest at the time the gift is received.
Last November, in just 30 days, gifts to the Global Mission Fund supplied over $250,000 that helped others hear about Jesus. This November, a committed, mission-minded friend of the Synod is challenging everyone in the LCMS community to help tell even more people about the Savior.
As soon as support received in the month of November reaches last year’s total of $252,937, every additional dollar beyond that will be matched — dollar-for-dollar — up to a maximum of $50,000.
This matching opportunity means that as much as $352,937 — received in just one month — could go toward bringing people all over the world into contact with the life-saving Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Mark Hofman, executive director of LCMS Mission Advancement, said, “Thanks to generous and loving contributors, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod continues to make known Jesus’ death, resurrection and salvation for all people.
“Through gifts to the Global Mission Fund, the preaching and teaching of Scripture happens — and efforts to bring mercy and humanitarian aid can be acted out in tandem with Word and Sacrament ministries — domestically and abroad.”
Hofman noted that financial and prayer support for the November Global Mission Fund Challenge continues to grow, each year more than the last, as the Body of Christ in the LCMS joins together through their gifts to spread the Gospel.
Hofman added, “We are thrilled to see so many compassionate Christian supporters — families, congregations and groups alike — spurring that growth, championing joyful giving and trusting that our Synod will use these versatile contributions to the glory of God as He wills.
“Your gift to the Global Mission Fund in November, in whatever amount the Lord leads you to provide, will help make a difference in the LCMS mission efforts that tell the Good News to others,” Hofman said.
To contribute to the fund, visit lcms.org/givenow/globalmission or text SHAREJESUS to 41444.
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Posted Oct. 29, 2018