In Module 6 of Preach the Word (PTW), the Synod’s ongoing program for fostering excellence in preaching, the Rev. Dr. David H. Petersen, pastor at Redeemer Lutheran Church, Fort Wayne, Ind., “guides participants to incorporate the Sacraments in preaching in exegetically and doctrinally sound ways, without falling into clichés, predictable patterns and tired phrases” (Introduction, Preach the Word, Module 6).
Petersen says in the introduction to the module that “besides being the Word to the people … [preaching] also needs to point the faithful to the objective reality that God is present and forgives sins through His Word in specific places according to His promises.”
Petersen observes that this is not a new idea for Lutheran preachers, but that “therein is the danger. It’s so foundational that we might take it for granted.”
Segment 1 of Module 6 considers the definitions of sacrament and grace and looks at what it means to be a sacramental church.
Segment 2 studies the various means by which God interacts with all people for their good.
Segment 3 points to God’s “consistent” and “typical” actions in the Bible and how those actions reveal patterns or motifs in the Scriptures that show God’s sacramental interaction with people.
The final segment of the module includes an example sermon to provide participants an opportunity for study and discussion.
PTW is a free, voluntary program for LCMS pastors who want to improve their preaching.
Past modules have covered:
- the use of story in preaching (Rev. Dr. David Schmitt),
- the use of biblical text in sermon preparation (Rev. Dr. Dean Nadasdy),
- delivering the Gospel live and in person (Rev. Dr. Carl Fickenscher),
- applying God’s Word into people’s lives (Rev. Dr. Glenn Nielsen), and
- the use of technology in preaching (Rev. Matt Peeples).
Future modules are planned on missions, sermon structure, post-Christian context, catechetical preaching, the baptismal life, and Law and Gospel.
For more information and to access the modules along with the activity and leader guides, visit lcms.org/preach-the-word.
lcms.org/preach-the-wordPosted Sept. 11, 2018