Registration is open for “Witness,” the 2019 National LCMS Campus Ministry Conference, set for Jan. 2-5 on the campuses of Purdue University Fort Wayne (PUFW) and Concordia Theological Seminary (CTSFW) in Fort Wayne, Ind.
Attendees will gain a familiarity with the Every One His Witness® (E1HW) Lutheran evangelism program as they consider what it means to witness, why people witness and how the LASSIE approach — Listen, Ask, Seek, Share, Invite and Encourage — can help.
The plenary speaker for the conference is the Rev. Dr. Mark A. Wood, director of LCMS Witness & Outreach Ministry and creator of the E1HW program.
Breakout sessions will provide the opportunity to explore witnessing in some of the contexts college students may encounter, including witnessing to:
- Adherents of various world religions.
- Atheists and agnostics.
- The dechurched.
- Those with depression.
- Those experiencing crises.
- Social justice advocates.
- Promoters of scientism.
The conference is offered through LCMS U, the campus ministry arm of the LCMS, as one means to help connect and support LCMS college students as they face challenges to their faith.
LCMS U also seeks to connect and encourage parents, congregations and campus ministries as they seek to care for students, so that all can boldly bear witness to Christ on our nation’s college campuses.
“Witness” will be the fourth LCMS U biennial national conference. “Unwrapped” (2013) and “Taboo” (2015) were held at Saint Louis University, and “Liberty” (2017) took place at the University of Maryland.
Average conference attendance is 425, including college students and campus ministry workers.
The Rev. Marcus Zill, director of LCMS Campus Ministry and LCMS U, says the purpose of the conferences is “to address specific issues of critical importance to our college students. We have previously covered apologetics, marriage and sexuality, and religious liberty issues.
“This time we are tackling witnessing in our vocations on campus in a substantive and comprehensive way. This promises to build on the momentum of our previous conferences and will likely be the largest dedicated college-age conference in LCMS history.”
Registration is $250 per person and covers all aspects of the conference program and non-free-time activities, including breakfast, lunch and supper on both Jan. 3 and 4, as well as three nights at the conference hotel Jan. 2–4 (based on quad occupancy).
Tiered rates are provided at an additional cost for those who would prefer other occupancy arrangements. Minimal scholarships are also provided to those traveling the greatest distances.
Registration closes on Oct. 15, 2018.
The conference will take place primarily at the Walb Student Union at PUFW, with a few activities held at CTSFW.
Chapel services will be held at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in downtown Fort Wayne and at Kramer Chapel on the CTSFW campus.
Visit the conference webpage for more information.
Register onlinePosted Aug. 17, 2018
Is LHM involved?
Providing resources like THRED.org?
Alan T.
Thank you for your comment. This Campus Ministry conference is being planned directly by the Office of National Mission. LHM and other Synod auxiliaries and RSOs are certainly welcome to participate as exhibitors as many have done so in the past.