The Rev. Roger Schlechte of Lakewood, Colo., was elected to his first term as president of the LCMS Rocky Mountain District at the district’s 51st convention, June 14–16 in Colorado Springs, Colo.
He succeeds the Rev. Allen D. Anderson, who is retiring after serving six years.
Schlechte, who was elected on the second ballot, is pastor of Resurrection in the City Lutheran Church, Denver, Colo. He has previously served the district as a vice-president.
Also elected were:
- Rev. Gary Piepkorn, pastor at Faith in Christ Lutheran Church, Portales, N.M., first vice-president, Southern Area;
- Rev. Gary Rahe, pastor at Zion Lutheran Church, Holyoke, Colo., second vice-president, Eastern Area;
- Rev. Dwight Hellmers, retired parish pastor and member of Risen Christ Lutheran Church, Arvada, Colo., third vice-president, Central Area; and
- Rev. David Fischer, retired parish pastor and member of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Riverton, Utah, fourth vice-president, Western Area.
The officers were installed at the convention.
Meeting under the theme “Declare His Glory Among the Nations, His Marvelous Works Among All the Peoples” (Ps. 96:3), delegates adopted resolutions to:
- give thanks to God for the presidency of the Rev. Allen Anderson.
- reaffirm the Scriptural teaching concerning the age of the earth.
- encourage prayer for and greater support of campus ministry within the district.
- give thanks to God and encourage support for San Pablo Lutheran Church and Ysleta Lutheran Mission in El Paso, Texas.
- memorialize the Synod in convention to direct the chief financial officer to report quarterly in the Synod’s official publications about the financial position of the Synod in a format easily understood by those unfamiliar with financial terminology.
- memorialize the Synod in convention to direct the LCMS Commission on Theology and Church Relations (CTCR) to prepare an addendum to the 2012 CTCR report “Immigrants Among Us: A Lutheran Framework for Considering Immigration Issues” to specifically address how the biblical doctrines of Law and Gospel, repentance and forgiveness apply to the current immigration issue.
- preserve the authority and clarity of the New Testament Scriptures.
Posted June 27, 2018