The Rev. Dr. Anthony J. Steinbronn of Howell, N.J., was elected on the first ballot to his third term as president of the LCMS New Jersey District during the district’s 18th convention June 1–2 in Mount Laurel, N.J.
Also elected were:
- Rev. Steve Gewecke, pastor of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, Lambertville, N.J., as first vice-president (third term);
- Rev. Deric Taylor, pastor of Our Savior Lutheran Church, Fair Lawn, N.J., as second vice-president (third term); and
- Rev. Andrew Dinger, pastor of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Somerset, N.J., as third vice-president (second term).

The officers were installed during the convention.
Delegates also adopted the following resolutions:
- “To Explore New Models of Church Ministry in Order to Continue to Reach Our Communities,” which may include congregations partnering together in shared ministries, making better use of the gifts of local rostered workers and training additional local leaders for outreach.
- “To Address the Sexual Integrity of Ministers and the Care for Victims of Abuse,” which calls on members of the New Jersey District to encourage one another to be people “above reproach” and to offer support to those who have been harmed by sexual abuse.
- “To Denounce Ethno-Nationalism and Supremacy as a Belief that is Anti-Gospel,” which denounces every form of racism as antithetical to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The convention theme was “Wise Disciples Train for the Kingdom,” based on Matt. 7:24–27 and 13:52.
Posted June 5, 2018