“I just really felt the loving hand of God through this church.” These words of a young mother who was embraced by the members of the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in Sanford, Fla., echo throughout the Fall 2019 issue of Lutherans Engage the World magazine.
From Tanzania and Malawi, to the mass events and service projects at this summer’s LCMS Youth Gathering, to the ordination of pastors in Latin America, God is at work through His church. Flip through the issue, either in print or online, to learn about how God is blessing the gifts and prayers offered in support of the Synod’s missionaries and mission efforts.
Read the stories at engage.lcms.org, or learn how to have the magazine delivered directly to your door at engage.lcms.org/subscribe. Individual and bulk subscriptions (for congregations only) are available at no charge.
Posted Oct. 22, 2019