The first vacation Bible school (VBS) in recent memory at Concordia the Reformer Mercy Center and Seminary in Palmar Arriba, Dominican Republic, was held July 8–12. Missionaries, pastors, deaconesses, seminarians and others assisted with Bible stories, crafts and songs. The goal of 40 participants was far exceeded, with over 100 children in attendance.
The theme of the week was “Heroes of the Faith” and included stories about Anna, the prayer warrior; David and Goliath; Jesus’ blessing of the children; Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace; and faithful Job. The children memorized Bible verses and learned songs in Spanish, including “Beautiful Savior” and “On My Heart Imprint Your Image.” During craft time on Thursday, the children traced their feet and cut out footprints. Before closing chapel, they came up one by one to lay their cutout footprints in a line, forming a path to the cross.
In addition to LCMS missionaries, the VBS staff included two seminarians, three Dominican deaconesses, one deaconess student, one teacher and five local youth who had not previously attended church services at the center. One little boy, Carlos, who also had not been in church before, attended the VBS and is now bringing both of his parents to church.

Posted Sept. 18, 2019