Registration is now open for the first of many gatherings to be held under the theme Making Disciples for Life (MDFL), a new Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) initiative to provide resources, training and opportunities for congregations as they witness to Christ and His eternal gifts.
The gathering, set for Jan. 9–11 at the LCMS International Center (IC) in St. Louis, is open to all LCMS laypeople, pastors and church workers. Participants will have the opportunity to listen, learn and share as they exchange ideas and encourage one another.
LCMS Office of National Mission Executive Director Rev. Robert Zagore describes the gathering as “a powerhouse event … unprecedented in terms of the number of ministry experts that will be present and the opportunities that conference participants will have to interact with them. This may be the most impressive small gathering the Synod has ever had.”
The first day of the gathering, titled “What We’ve Learned,” will feature presentations from Synod leaders on both their concerns and their joys as they reflect on the past and share their vision for the future.
Days two and three will include 12 breakout sessions on a variety of topics, along with opportunities for face-to-face conversations among parishioners, pastors, district officials and Synod leaders. Topics of breakout sessions include ministry to millennials, volunteer engagement and leading during disasters.
In addition, “tabletop” discussions will allow attendees to engage in conversations about key topics of their choosing. Participants in these conversations will include LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, Chief Mission Officer Rev. Kevin Robson, and a host of LCMS ministry directors (see list below). Worldwide KFUO will be broadcasting live interviews with many of the speakers.
The MDFL Initial Gathering begins Thursday, Jan. 9, at 1 p.m. and continues through Saturday, Jan. 11, at 6 p.m. Registration is $50 per person and includes lunch on Friday and Saturday. Conference attendees should arrange for their own lodging.
For more information, or to register, see lcms.org/making-disciples-gathering.
MDFL Initial Gathering Confirmed Speakers
Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison
Rev. Dr. John Sias
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League President Debbie Larson
Rev. Kevin Robson
Rev. Dr. James Baneck
Rev. Daniel McMiller
Rev. Robert Zagore
Mr. Mark Hofman
Rev. Heath Curtis
Rev. Dr. Roosevelt Gray Jr.
Deaconess Maryann Hayter
Rev. Dr. Ross Johnson
Rev. Mark Kiessling
Rev. Todd Kollbaum
Deaconess Dorothy Krans
Rev. Michael Meyer
Deaconess Cara Patton
Rev. Dr. Steven Schave
Dr. Rebecca Schmidt
Rev. Dr. Mark Wood
Rev. Marcus Zill
Deaconess Pamela Nielsen
Dr. Kevin Armbrust
Mr. Peter Slayton
Mr. Rudy Blank
Register online
Posted Nov. 19, 2019
Will any or all of this conference be available in an online format (Facebook Live, Webinar on Zoom/GoToWebinar, YouTube/YouTube Live etc.)?
Thank you for your comment. We are not going to live stream the conference; however, we will be reporting live from the event on social media. We will also video record some of the presentations to use as resources in the future. We encourage you to consider attending a future gathering and information about those will be coming out soon.
Will the April 16-18 MDFL conference at CTSFW, announced in the Reporter, be essentially the same topics/information/presenters or will it be different than this conference?
Thank you for your comment. The April Conference will have many of the same features but will have different day one topics and speakers. All the information will be publicized in the Reporter.