Once again, God has demonstrated His faithfulness through the generosity of contributors who gave of themselves to The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) in 2019.
Through their gifts, these disciples are supporting short-term mission trips, providing hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarships to international seminary students, and planting stateside churches. Each action is a mere glimpse of the LCMS’s witness and mercy efforts in 2019 as spurred on by the gracious generosity of thousands of people across our Synod.
As we approach the end of the year, the LCMS lifts up one giving opportunity that allows each person, group and organization to accomplish all the efforts mentioned above, and more.
An undesignated gift to the LCMS, a “Together as Synod” gift, enhances domestic and international efforts to witness and show mercy to others, and to live life together as children of God. Undesignated gifts are not only flexible, but also cost-effective.
“I continue to be in awe of our family of contributors, and praise God for the generous and trusting hearts He has placed within all of them. They do everything from send missionaries to provide aid to those who have fallen victim to disasters,” said Brianne Gerzevske, assistant executive director of LCMS Mission Advancement.
Gerzevske continued: “It’s clear that our donors love others with the deep love of Jesus, and that their giving is an extension of their efforts to help spread the Gospel.
“I especially want to acknowledge our LCMS congregations and districts, our most loyal and dedicated contributors, year after year. They join over 23,000 of our caring Christian friends this year in helping further the Kingdom of God.”
As 2019 comes to an end, supporters of the LCMS who are prayerfully considering making a year-end gift are encouraged to give a “Together as Synod” gift.
Methods for making a year-end “Together as Synod” gift are:
By mail
Make checks payable to the LCMS. In the memo line, write “Together as Synod” or “Unrestricted.”
If you choose to give a designated gift, the memo line should be used to direct your gift (e.g. Global Mission Fund, Joint Seminary Fund, missionary name).
Envelopes should be addressed to The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, ATTN: LCMS Mission Advancement, P.O. Box 66861, St. Louis, MO 63166-6861 and postmarked by the U.S. Postal Service no later than Dec. 31. Please do not mail hard currency such as bills, coins or money orders.
By phone
The LCMS Mission Advancement Donor Care line will be staffed to accept credit card donations by phone at 888-930-4438. The Donor Care team will accept gifts by phone until 2 p.m. CST on Dec. 31.
To be 2019-eligible, online gifts can be made with a credit card through Dec. 31 at 11:59 p.m. CST. Visit lcms.org/givenow to make a “Together as Synod” gift.
Make your “Together as Synod” gift using your credit card or Paypal account by texting STRONGTOGETHER at 41444. Eligible gifts can be made through Dec. 31 at 11:59 p.m. CST.
To donate appreciated or depreciated securities or make IRA direct charitable transfers, contact the LCMS Foundation at 800-325-7912. The Foundation’s skilled gift-planning counselors will work with you to support the ministries you love — including those of your congregation and your preferred LCMS ministries.
Posted Nov. 26, 2019