The Rev. Dr. R. Lee Hagan of St. Charles, Mo., was elected to his third term as president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Missouri District at the district’s 21st convention, held June 12–14 in Columbia, Mo. He was elected on the first ballot.
Also elected were:
- William Marler of Springfield, Mo., as first vice-president;
- Kristopher Morris of Lake Ozark, Mo., as second vice-president;
- Brian Thieme of Columbia, Mo., as third vice-president;
- Jason Shaw of Jackson, Mo., as fourth vice-president; and
- Samuel Powell of Jefferson City, Mo., as secretary.
The officers will be installed at the district’s next Board of Directors meeting on July 21.
Delegates adopted resolutions to:
- Equip congregations and schools to teach the parental responsibility given in Scripture to catechize children in the one, true, apostolic faith;
- Find ways to encourage young people to consider church work and to offer financial support;
- Change the bylaws so the district’s own governance may change in a timely manner, if needed, to reflect similar changes at the Synod level;
- Encourage the Synod to clarify its stance on the use of fetal tissue in the production of pharmaceutical products;
- Encourage the Synod to develop resources to aid congregations and schools regarding gender identity issues; and
- Affirm biblical anthropology and denounce racism as an anti-Gospel belief.
The convention theme was “Tell the Next Generation,” drawn from Psalm 78:6-7.
Posted on July 5, 2022/Updated July 15, 2022