The Rev. Dr. Kevin A. Wilson of Marysville, Ohio, was elected to his second term as president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Ohio District at the district’s 23rd convention, held June 22–24 at Concordia University Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, Mich. He was elected on the first ballot.
Also elected were:
- John W. Hohe of Delaware, Ohio, as first vice-president, Southeast Region;
- James C. Strawn of Archbold, Ohio, as second vice-president, Northwest Region;
- Everette E. Greene of Cincinnati, Ohio, as third vice-president, Southwest Region;
- James A. Haugen Jr. of Strongsville, Ohio, as fourth vice-president, North Central Region; and
- Michael Wallace of Parma, Ohio, as fifth vice-president, Northeast Region.
The officers were installed during the convention.
In addition, delegates also:
- Passed a “sunshine” resolution stating that upon written request from a member of the Ohio District, the president shall immediately make available for review all current policies, regulations, standards, governing documents or any other such materials to which a member may be held accountable. A related resolution commends that this also be memorialized at the 2023 Synod convention.
- Adopted a resolution calling on congregations to address the society’s impact on members over the next triennium by training heads of households to better fulfill their vocations at home and encourage increased Bible study.
- Attended “breakout sessions” to discuss their joys and concerns, along with suggestions for how the district could help, in the areas of inner-city mission and social ministry, churches with schools or preschools, rural congregations, vacant or struggling congregations, youth ministry, multiple staff ministries, and small congregations.
Posted July 6, 2022