Advocating for life is as important as ever. In addition to the National March for Life, held every January in Washington, D.C., numerous opportunities to support life are available around the country. Many of those are sponsored by The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS).
As the country moves into a post-Roe era, LCMS Life Ministry encourages LCMS Lutherans to network with those in their area to continue supporting life all year long.
One way to do so is to register your event — or your interest in participating in one — with Life Ministry. Visit lcms-life.org/need to see an up-to-the-minute listing of upcoming life marches and other events around the country, including:
- The Arizona March for Life in Phoenix on Feb. 23;
- The Illinois March for Life in Springfield on March 21;
- The Connecticut March for Life in Hartford on March 22. The rally begins at the state Capitol building at noon, and the march begins at 1 p.m. around Bushnell Park.
- The March on the Arch in St. Louis on April 29;
- The Colorado Celebrate Life Rally in Denver on June 24 at Cherry Creek State Park; and
- The Utah Life Festival on June 24.
LCMS Life Conference
In addition, registration is now open for the 2023 LCMS Life Conference, which will be held March 2–3 at the LCMS International Center in St. Louis and online. The conference — part of Making Disciples for Life — will provide resources to faithfully proclaim what God’s Word teaches about life, health, marriage and family.
Presentations will focus on advocating for the sanctity of human life and God’s design for marriage and family, teaching God’s Word on these topics to people of all ages and sharing Christ’s love and mercy with a focus on life, health and the family.
Featured presenters include:
- The Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, LCMS president;
- Deaconess Dr. Tiffany Manor, director of LCMS Life Ministry;
- Timothy Goeglein, vice-president of External and Government Relations for Focus on the Family; and
- The Rev. Michael Salemink, executive director of Lutherans for Life.
In-person registration, which includes meals and snacks, is $49 per person. Online registration (which can be used by an individual, couple, family or group) is $29. Both in-person and online participants will have access to view recorded sessions for 60 days following the conference.
For more information, or to register, visit the Synod’s calendar page.. The deadline for in-person registration is Feb. 17. Online attendees may register until March 2.
Deaconess Dr. Tiffany Manor, director of LCMS Life Ministry, said, “Speaking up to confess God’s gift of life and the value that He gives to every human life remains vital during this post-Roe era. We need to remain vigilant, urging federal and state legislatures to protect life. Marches and walks for life allow Lutherans to witness to Christ and to connect with other life-minded individuals in their communities. Through these connections, we find opportunities to work together providing care for women, children and families, and to teach about the sanctity of all human life.”
Learn more about LCMS Life Ministry at lcms.org/life.
Posted Feb. 6, 2023