LCMS Life Ministry

Lutherans give witness to life and Christ

The March on the Arch is the largest annual pro-life demonstration in the St. Louis region.

LWML mission grants support life, youth, church work recruitment

LWML President Eden Keefe presented three grant checks after chapel at the LCMS International Center in St. Louis on March 7.

‘Life Magnified’: Lutherans march, rally in Austin

On Jan. 27, more than 150 Lutherans participated in the Texas Rally for Life at the State Capitol in Austin.

National Mission offers life grant application training

The training will provide helpful guidance in applying for a Million Dollar Life Match grant.

Resources teach about life in the womb

The resources, developed by LCMS Life Ministry, utilize age-appropriate content and activities to teach about God’s development of a child in the womb from conception to birth.

Million Dollar Life Match adds another million

In addition to more funding, the matching grant program now has expanded eligibility.

LCMS pastors gather in Iowa state capital

In March, pastors from throughout Iowa gathered in Des Moines to meet with their state legislators.

Lutherans march for life in Illinois

The Illinois March for Life, formerly the March for Life Chicago, was moved to the Illinois capital this year.

‘The cause is just’: Harrison speaks at Illinois March for Life

The Illinois March for Life took place in Springfield, Ill., on March 21.

Life grants still available

The Million Dollar Life Match initiative, which began in early 2022, seeks to support LCMS congregations involved in providing beginning-of-life care in their local communities.

Conferences focus on specialized ministry, sanctity of life

Both conferences were hybrid formats, with options to attend either in person or online.

Mission boards look to convention

The LCMS Boards for International and National Mission met in January and February in St. Louis.

‘Fundamentally a spiritual issue’: Lutherans attend first post-Roe March for Life

The 50th annual National March for Life took place in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 20.

Advocate for life all year long

There are numerous opportunities around the country to support life.

First round of Life Match grants awarded

A second set of applications is currently undergoing the review process, with a third phase to begin on Nov. 1.

‘Lifemark’: Motion picture about adoption shares pro-life message

LCMS Life Ministry has developed resources to aid viewers interested in further study and discussion of the issues raised in the movie.