By Sarah Reinsel
MILWAUKEE — Floor Committee (FC) 9 on Structure and Administration passed eight resolutions, all adopted by voice vote, on Monday, July 31, at the 68th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS).
Introducing the resolutions, FC 9 Chairman Rev. Timothy J. Scharr, president of the LCMS Southern Illinois District, noted that FC 9 had 51 overtures submitted, second only to FC 5 on Theology and Church Relations.
“While our work may not be glamorous, it is important, for our God is a God of order and peace, and He would like things done decently and in order. And the purpose of [having] bylaws and [a] constitution is to help us do those things,” said Scharr.
“We also have a very unique polity in the Missouri Synod, where every parish has two votes — one pastoral and one lay — and that has been a hallmark of our Synod that makes it stand out in American Lutheranism,” continued Scharr. “We have taken that under very serious consideration as well to keep that perspective of two votes to each parish, with lay and clergy being equally represented.”
Resolutions 9-01, 9-05A, 9-06A and 9-08 all made amendments to the Bylaws for the sake of preserving the “one lay, one clergy” vote per congregation or parish, with Res. 9-01, 9-05A and 9-06A clarifying how multi-congregation parishes in particular will be represented at Synod and district conventions.
- Res. 9-01, “To Amend Bylaws to Provide Clarity for Cross-Circuit and Cross-District Multi-Congregation Parishes,” clarifies “how cross-circuit and cross-district multi-congregation parishes are to be represented at circuit forums and district conventions.” This resolution is especially important because the number of multi-congregation parishes is increasing.
- Res. 9-05A and 9-06A both concern circuit elections, the former simplifying circuit elections in various ways, and the latter appointing a task force to evaluate current electoral circuit parameters. This evaluation is necessary due to demographic changes, which are causing a growing number of visitation circuits to no longer qualify as electoral circuits. In turn, this causes a gradual decrease in the number of delegates attending convention.
- Res. 9-08A, “To Strengthen Nonvoting Advisory Delegate Participation at Conventions,” resolves to reaffirm the Synod’s historical and theological position that each parish is represented by one lay and one clergy vote; to encourage the conventions of the Synod and its districts to prepare advisory delegates to exercise their responsibilities and privileges; and to encourage more robust representation of advisory delegates (especially ministers of religion—commissioned) on the floor committees of Synod and district conventions.
Res. 9-02 is a “housekeeping” omnibus that “fixes little glitches here and there and tries to make our life together easier,” said LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison.
The resolution clarifies:
- The election of various Synod convention advisory delegates;
- The formula for Lutheran Church Extension Fund district membership;
- The handling of seminary and university “surplus funds”;
- The registration procedure for presidential voters;
- The nomination procedure for regional vice-presidents;
- The election of district presidents and vice-presidents; and
- The suggestion of nominees for circuit visitor.
Res. 9-03, “To Clarify Bylaws Regarding Appointment of Synodwide Corporate Entity Chief Executive,” “recasts the appointment process, including any interim, in chronological order and more precisely describes the various steps for the Synodwide corporate entity’s appointment of a new chief executive,” explained the Rev. Philip Zielinski, FC 9 secretary and a voting delegate for the LCMS Ohio District.
Res. 9-04 amends Bylaws 3.8.2 and 3.8.3 so that the LCMS Boards for National Mission (BNM) and International Mission (BIM) will be able more effectively to carry out their duties of providing monitoring and oversight of the LCMS Offices of National Mission (ONM) and International Mission (OIM), respectively.
The BNM and BIM now have the annual responsibility of reviewing and endorsing the strategic plans of the ONM and OIM, respectively. The two boards will also review and provide input on their respective offices’ annual budget proposal prior to its submission for approval by the LCMS Board of Directors (BOD).
Res. 9-07 allows people who are elected to regional positions on the BOD and mission boards to finish their current term, even if their place of residence changes to a different region during their term. This practical measure will reduce the number of vacancies occurring midterm.
Five more resolutions have yet to come to the floor. FC 9 will come before the convention again on Thursday, Aug. 3.
Posted Aug. 2, 2023
2023 LCMS Convention
Under the theme “We Preach Christ Crucified,” the 68th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod met July 28–Aug. 3, 2023, at the Baird Center in Milwaukee.
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