Learn about church work programs at LCMS universities

(LCMS/Erik M. Lunsford)

Are you a high school student wondering if church work is for you? Maybe you are a parent contemplating the cost of having your son or daughter attend one of the Synod’s Concordias as a church work student. Or perhaps you are a church worker or other influential adult who wants to help those considering church work get the answers they need. 

If so, there is now a starting point, presented by Set Apart to Serve (SAS), for beginning the process of researching church work programs at the institutions of the Concordia University System (CUS). In partnership with the Concordia universities as well as Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, and Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, the SAS team has prepared webpages to provide students, parents, pastors, other church workers, congregational leaders and interested laypeople with one central location to begin learning about how the church is meeting the need for church workers through its educational institutions. 

Each Concordia has also assigned a specific admission counselor to work with individuals considering church work so that interested persons can get the best possible information. 

You can find all of this information on the SAS homepage at lcms.org/sas. Scroll down to “Professional Church Work Vocations Within the LCMS” to learn about the Synod’s eight rostered church work vocations. Click on each link to learn more about that profession and its educational paths at individual CUS schools. Tuition rates, room and board, and other costs for the 2023–2024 academic year are also provided.

Glenn Rollins, manager of SAS, said, “After fielding numerous requests about programs and costs, the SAS team wanted to establish one starting point for answering questions about studying for church work at our Concordias. Compiling the information was a collaborative effort. We appreciate all who helped in developing this resource, and we pray it is a blessing to the church.” 

Posted on July 13, 2023