By Kevin Armbrust
MILWAUKEE — On Monday, July 31, at the 68th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), delegates re-elected the Rev. Dr. John W. Sias to his third term as secretary of the Synod. Sias received 750 votes (77.48%).
Prior to assuming the role of secretary in 2016, Sias served as pastor of a three-point parish in Montana: Concordia Lutheran Church in Forsyth, Trinity Lutheran Church in Hysham and Mount Calvary Lutheran Church in Colstrip. He also served for three years on the Synod’s Commission on Constitutional Matters.
Following the balloting for secretary, delegates turned their attention to filling the following seats on the Synod’s Board of Directors:
LCMS Board of Directors (at large)
- Ordained — Rev. Josemon T. Hoem was re-elected with 514 votes (51.76%), and the Rev. Roger B. Gallup was elected with 553 votes (55.63%); and
- Layperson — K. Allan Voss was elected with 603 votes (61.09%).
LCMS Board of Directors Laypersons (regional)
- East-Southeast Region — Leo S. MacKay Jr. was elected with 631 votes (64%);
- Great Lakes Region — Rick H. Stathakis was re-elected with 626 votes (64.4%); and
- Great Plains Region — Larry W. Harrington was re-elected with 533 votes (54.17%).
According to Article XI of the LCMS Constitution, “The Board of Directors is the legal representative and custodian of all the property of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, directly or by its delegation of such authority to an agency of the Synod.”
Dr. Kevin Armbrust is director of the Graduate School and special assistant to the president at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.
2023 LCMS Convention
Under the theme “We Preach Christ Crucified,” the 68th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod met July 28–Aug. 3, 2023, at the Baird Center in Milwaukee.
There are several ways to get convention news, including:
• lcms.org/convention/national
• lcms.org/convention/national/livestream
Social media
• kfuo.org