By Megan K. Mertz
In early 2020, people around the world were faced with something most of us had never experienced before: a global pandemic. In many places, employees were sent to work from home, children began attending school virtually, and churches were forced to figure out how to livestream worship — all practically overnight.
But in the midst of this tumultuous time, God was present with His people. He who promises that “all things work together for good” for those who love Him (Rom. 8:28) used this trial as an opportunity to greatly bless the The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). Through the generosity and compassion of people across the Synod, an incredible $8.2 million was joyfully given over the last few years to support the sharing of Christ’s mercy around the world as donations for “LCMS World Relief and Human Care” or “Mercy.”
In the weeks and months to come, LCMS Communications will be sharing stories across its various channels about how these gifts were put to work providing tangible acts of mercy. Titled “By the Mercies of God,” this accountability campaign will give just a small glimpse of how the generosity of God’s people is making a difference around the world. As always, the work of the LCMS is distinctive because it is consistently done hand in hand with the bold proclamation of the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ.
Lutherans care for others as a response to the ultimate example of mercy that comes from God. In a booklet titled “The Church’s Role of Mercy in the Community,” LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison writes: “In Christ, a restless divine love was sent forth to find its object, a world in need of mercy (John 3:16). Likewise, that divine love, dwelling in hearts by faith, cannot but express itself in mercy toward those in need” (8).
On behalf of all those who were blessed by this mercy work, thank you for expressing your faith and being a blessing through your ongoing gifts and prayers.
Learn more at engage.lcms.org/mercy.
Posted June 24, 2024