St. John’s Lutheran Church, Waterbury, Conn., has been disbanded or dissolved. — Rev. Robert Beinke, president, New England District
Charity Lutheran Church, Detroit, Mich., has been disbanded or dissolved. — Rev. David A. Davis, president, Michigan District
Mark Behling has resigned from the commissioned roster of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and is, therefore, no longer able to receive a call. — Rev. Dr. R. Lee Hagan, president, Missouri District
Trinity Lutheran Church, Wheatland, Wyo.; Grace English Lutheran Church, Pine Bluffs, Wyo.; and Zion Lutheran Church, Grover, Colo., have dissolved their multi-congregation parish. — Rev. John Hill, president, Wyoming District
Rollingwood Lutheran Church, San Pablo, Calif., has been disbanded or dissolved. — Rev. Michael R. Lange, president, California/Nevada/Hawaii District
Rev. Andrew Smith, Bloomington, Ill., has been appointed circuit visitor for Bloomington South Circuit 3, replacing Rev. Jonathan Huehn. — Rev. Michael Mohr, president, Central Illinois District
Little Lambs Preschool, Sergeant Bluff, Iowa, is now closed. — Rev. Dr. Steven D. Turner, president, Iowa West District
Matthew Maki has been removed from the commissioned roster of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and is, therefore, no longer able to receive a call. Trinity Lutheran Church, Stamford, Conn., has been disbanded or dissolved. — Rev. Waldemar Vinovskis, president, SELC District
Posted Jan. 30, 2025