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LCMS Communications

2004 Convention Notices — On-Site Registration Information

Voting and advisory delegates and representatives are reminded that the 62nd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod will be held in the America’s Center in downtown St. Louis, July 10 -15, 2004.  Following an opening service with Holy Communion…

National offering tops $227,000 before convention

More than $227,000 already has been received for the “One Mission Ablaze! National Offering,” in response to a mailing to 345,000 Synod donors in May. Related mailings also were sent to LCMS national convention delegates and to all 6,100 Synod congregations,…

Below says initiatives put church, government `on same page`

“The government is on the same page as the churches when it offers initiatives for faith-based organizations to reach people who are hurting,” said Barbara Below, who represented the Synod at the first White House National Conference on Faith-Based and…

Lutheran Disaster Response organizes help for Nebraska

As this Reporter went to press, Lutheran Disaster Response (LDR), based in Chicago, continued to organize recovery efforts after spring storms. That includes eastern Nebraska, where tornadoes and hailstorms hit in late May. A June 10 news release from LDR,…

Web site offers sign-language worship

Live Lutheran worship services for the deaf are offered each week on, a Web site that uses RealVideo streaming media technology to offer video programs over the Internet. The Web site was started last year by two LCMS pastors who…

Ebola-like virus threatens Lutherans in Sudan

Prayers are being requested for the people of Yambio, a community in southern Sudan that is home to some members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Sudan (ELCS). In an e-mail to LCMS World Mission staff dated May 20, ELCS…

Seminaries, colleges give spring honorary degrees, awards

The Reporter Web site periodically lists those who have received honorary degrees and awards from colleges, universities and seminaries of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod and Lutheran Church–Canada.   Individuals who have received such honors so far this year, most of them…

Nominees for president address issues (Questions 3 and 4)

Question 3. For the past triennium, the participation of an LCMS district president in the post-9/11 “A Prayer for America” at Yankee Stadium has been a subject of controversy and discussion in the Synod.  How can a member of the…

Nominees for president address issues (Questions 1 and 2)

Reporter asked the five nominees for LCMS president to answer in writing a series of questions related to issues facing the Synod, including some that will come before next month’s Synod convention. Here are their answers: Question 1. Ablaze!, reflected…

Seminaries sponsor summer workshops

Registration remains open for a number of off-campus continuing-education workshops both Synod seminaries are offering around the country this summer. Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, is holding 10 workshops, with registration still open for eight, and the registration deadline has passed for…

Harvesters training event set for August

Rev. Al Tormoehlen says he would like to hear from anyone interested in attending an Aug. 25-29 training event in St. Louis for the Harvesters For Christ program. “We are looking for people of all kinds — laity and/or church professionals,…

New Preus book explains `Why I Am a Lutheran`

Why I Am a Lutheran: Jesus at the Center, written by Synod First Vice President Daniel Preus, is now available from Concordia Publishing House. Rather than provide an exposition of the Christian Church and Lutheran teachings, Preus wrote the book, he…

LEA honors outstanding teachers

Kirk Bolt of Naperville, Ill., and Carl Schiefer, Boca Raton, Fla., are co-recipients of the Lutheran Education Association’s (LEA) National Distinguished Lutheran Elementary Teacher Award for 2004 and Kristin Drake, Arlington Heights, Ill., is LEA National Lutheran Early Childhood Teacher…

Roland Hopmann dies; former seminary professor

Rev. Roland A. Hopmann, a retired professor at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, died May 18 in a Fargo, N.D., hospital of complications from cardiopulmonary disease. The funeral service was May 22 at First Lutheran Church, East Grand Forks, Minn., and interment…

Gathering tagged nation`s largest church-youth event

With 35,000 young people and adults from more than 20 countries set to participate, the ninth triennial National LCMS Youth Gathering July 24-28 in Orlando, Fla., will be “the largest single denominational youth event in the United States,” says Gretchen…

June 2004

Working as a team Thank you for putting excerpts from the Mission 21st Century Task Force report on the front page of the May issue.  Also thank you for drawing our attention to the full report.  I read it and…