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LCMS Communications

World Mission to sponsor events in conjunction with convention

By Paula Schlueter Ross LCMS World Mission is sponsoring four events this summer in conjunction with the Synod’s convention, July 10-15 in St. Louis. All of the events are “driven” by the mission board’s Ablaze! initiative to reach 100 million people with…

Wheat Ridge names grant recipients

Wheat Ridge Ministries of Itasca, Ill., has announced the recipients of major grants for new “health and hope” projects worldwide and is calling for applications for its domestic Congregation Health and Hope Grants Program. The independent Lutheran charitable organization approved six…

June Positions

The Board of Governors of the International Lutheran Laymen’s League invites applications and nominations for the position of executive director, based at its Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM) headquarters in St. Louis.  The executive director provides leadership to accomplish the vision…

Items wanted and available (June)

Note:  Reporter cannot accept notices about items offered for sale or that people wish to purchase. Items described as “Wanted” or “Available” are sought or may be obtained for shipping costs only. Wanted Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece XXVI edition (small one). …

Reinstatements (June)

FRANCES CHILDERS, Southgate, Mich.; JO ANN DETERDING, Alton, Ill.; NANCY J. DURKOVIC, Santa Ana, Calif.; KEN HEITSHUSEN, Phoenix, Ariz.; JAMIE KNOWLES HALLET, San Pedro, Calif.; GAYLE JANZEN, Sabetha, Kan.; RONDA KRAUSKOPF, Orlando, Fla.; DEAN W. RAABE, Beatrice, Neb.; CARLYN ROTH,…

Official Notice — Nominations for President and Vice Presidents

The nominating process for the offices of president, first vice president, and other vice presidents has been completed.  Of those receiving the highest number of nominating votes for the office of president, the following (listed in alphabetical order) have given…

June Pressure Points with Dr. Bruce Hartung

 Q: While my outward functions in ministry that can be seen by most people are going really great guns, my inward “self” is feeling dry.  When I prepare my sermons, I’m looking more at old sermons I’ve preached and relying…

Convention delegates to act on 115 resolutions (Floor Committees 1-4)

Eight convention floor committees, meeting in St. Louis May 21 and over the weekend, prepared a total of 115 proposed resolutions for consideration by this summer’s triennial Synod convention. The proposed resolutions were prepared largely in response to a total of…

Convention delegates to act on 115 resolutions (Floor Committees 5-8)

Higher Education  Of 66 overtures submitted on higher education, Committee 5 has developed 25 resolutions for convention action.  Topping the list is a resolution that would require the education of all professional church workers to include courses in evangelism, outreach…

Board leaves programs intact for 2004-05 Synod budget

By Joe Isenhower Jr. On the surface, the 2004-05 spending plan of $84.8 million the Synod’s Board of Directors adopted for national ministries at its May 20-22 meeting in St. Louis appears to be good news, compared with the $77.5 million…

Kieschnick reports to Synod on Board actions

By David L. Mahsman LCMS President Gerald Kieschnick is formally reporting to the Synod that the Synod’s Board of Directors has taken actions that, in Bylaw language, “may be in violation of the Constitution, Bylaws and resolutions of the Synod.” A notice…

Official Report to The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod

From: President Gerald B. Kieschnick Subject:   LCMS Board of Directors and Bylaws Regarding:  Opinions of Commission on Constitutional Matters  Date:  May 23, 2004 In accord with the Constitution of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod it is my duty as president to report to…

Wheat Ridge offers `Health, Hope` grants

Wheat Ridge Ministries is inviting congregations to submit applications from July 1 through Sept. 30 for its “Congregation Health and Hope Grant” program. The grants are intended to help congregations develop health and wellness ministries. All Lutheran congregations — individually or in…

Mission society offers `handy-size` Bibles

God’s Word to the Nations, an LCMS mission society based in Cleveland, is offering “handy-size” editions of three of its specialty Bibles — GOD’S WORD of Freedom, designed for armed-forces personnel; GOD’S WORD to the Nations, for international students and immigrants;…

Bush asks Mequon grads to help build 'more compassionate society'

President George W. Bush offered what he called “a few thoughts about how you can make your mark in the world” when he delivered the May 14 commencement address at Concordia University Wisconsin, at Mequon. The commencement assembly first watched…

`Lutheran Witness` wins EPA awards

Two Lutheran Witness stories were recognized by the Evangelical Press Association (EPA) during its convention, May 2-5 in Minneapolis.  The EPA’s “Higher Goals” awards were for work done in 2003. The first-place award in the “Reporting” category went to “Bethlehem 2,000…